Main Idea

Congratulations to our Summer 2021 Teen Arts Leaders! During this 6-week program, participants of this program co-led arts classes and activities for groups of younger youth at University and Castle Park, helped paint a public art mural, provided constructive feedback to Main IDEA regarding its youth programs, assisted with Main IDEA’s social media, and created a personal final art project. We are so proud of our teens for their growth in their leadership this past summer!



“Main IDEA has made me feel comfortable and more confident.”

“I wouldn’t change a thing about Main IDEA because this program allowed even a quiet person like me to lead kids.”

“Main IDEA has impacted my life because [it made me] realize how much I enjoy making connections with [younger] kids.”



“Art is important to me because it makes me feel inspired; it helps me be creative and express myself.”


“Without art, the world wouldn’t be enjoyable.”


Art is important to me because it always tells a story.”


“I like to express myself through art no matter what type of art it is, because it shows how I view the world through my eyes.”


“Art means freedom, a way of expression; its how many people express themselves without limit.”
