Main Idea

Tim Murray

President and CEO of Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce

“Main IDEA is a tremendous summer resource and experience for the children and families [in Main South]…As the former Mayor of Worcester and former Lt. Governor, I can say that there are few [organizations] like Main IDEA.”

Joe O’Brien

Former Mayor of Worcester

“[My wife and I] are confident that the good influence of the staff, the confidence-building, and the exposure to new ideas and creativity [our son] encountered at Main IDEA is one of the factors that has impacted his [academic and behavioral] success and has helped him overcome his obstacles.”

Zoe Kraner

Teen Alumni and Volunteer

“I feel as though I have gotten more out of one week of Main IDEA, than I would have for an entire summer with any other program…the best thing about any form of art is that it can help you find your place in the world. It is especially important for children to find where they belong, to form a community, and that is the reason I keep coming back every year–Main IDEA is part of my community.”

Eve James

Parent, Volunteer, and Board Member

“I saw my daughter have more confidence and my son become a leader…I do not think I had ever seen him proud of his behavior before. Main IDEA gave him the outlet he needed to showcase his potential in art.”

Nya Johnson

Teen Leader

“When I was seven, I was given the chance to participate in Main IDEA…each year since then I’ve continued to come be a part of this new change that has opened so many doors of art to inspire me to be myself.”

Gabby Ohl

Teen Alumni and Volunteer

“There are truly no words to describe how positive and wonderful this experience is; not only have I made a difference in someone’s life, but Main IDEA has changed me…Main IDEA has truly changed my life and formed me into the person I am today. Main IDEA has changed my life so much and has become such a huge family to me, that now I want to change theirs.”


Youth Participant for Reign Cafe Mural

“I appreciated the opportunity to do something for the community. It gave me the chance to put myself out of my comfort zone and try different mediums. I like being able to put a part of who I am into a piece for the public to see.”