Assistant Program Director Intern:
Brett Iarrobino
Brett is a rising Junior at Clark University, pursuing his double-major in Theatre Arts and English, as well as a minor in Education. Brett is also the Vice-President of the “Main iDEA at Clark U” student-led Club, facilitating university students to volunteer and intern for Main IDEA’s programs throughout the year.
“I love the energy and honesty I find when I work with younger children and finding common ground to connect with them; seeing moments where they’ve learned something new and revolutionary–‘Lightbulb Moments,’ as I call them–gives me the greatest satisfaction.”
Viena Murillo
“I am a rising junior at Clark University, where I’m majoring in Psychology with a minor in Creative Writing. I am a member of Clark’s Variant Dance Troupe and have done youth work through the club Youth Outreach Worcester. I enjoy writing, dancing and binge watching Parks and Rec in my free time. In Main IDEA, I want to get more involved with the Worcester community, specifically Main South, and share with youth the empowerment and healthy self-expression that different art forms can bring.”
Eliza Ward
“As an international development and social change major, I hope to make a difference in the communities I am a part of. I love being with Main IDEA because it allows me to develop the youth of Worcester by providing them with resources to express themselves through the arts.”
Anna Bramley
Anna is going into her junior year as an undergraduate at Clark University, where she is double majoring in Psychology and Spanish. Anna participates in the Clark Musical Theater club and is a mentor with All Kinds of Girls. In her free time she enjoys expressing herself through all types of art and playing with her cats.
Ari Reyes
Ari is going to be sophomore, majoring in International Development and Social Change with a concentration in genocide and Holocaust studies and a concentration in law in society. As well as, being the editor-in-chief of the Scarlet she is part of Variant Dance Troupe and is the secretary for STAND. In her spare time, she loves doing makeup, writing, and going on impulsive adventures.
Danie Black
Danie is a junior at Clark University. She is majoring in Psychology and is minoring in Creative Writing and Women’s and Gender Studies with a concentration in Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies. Danie is an editor for Clark Writes.
Macy Drude
Macy is going into her junior year as an undergraduate at Clark University, where she is studying Philosophy with a double minor in Theater Arts and Political Science. Macy is the treasure of Clark’s NARAL chapter and is a Stage Manager for performances at Clark. She is very excited to be working at Main Idea and encourage young people’s creativity. In her free time she likes to read, eat chocolate, and go on walks.
Lital Dotan
Victoria Torres
WCAC Intern
Working for Main Idea has been a never-ending delight, bringing new and exciting challenges every week. Coming into it, I had few expectations, only to be able to inform and help kids to grow, and that has been met in spades. There’s a certain magic in watching the kids we teach warm up to a subject and participate whole-heartedly. In working for Main Idea, I hope to further solidify my teaching and interacting skills in terms of youth ages 10-17, as it will assist me with learning and growing along with them!
Marina Parella
WCAC Intern
Marina is an illustrator born and raised in Worcester, MA. She has enjoyed both taking and teaching visual arts courses at the Worcester Art Museum for 3 years.
Riley Smith
Riley Smith is a graduate student at Clark University, studying political science and community development. They love to both study and teach comic art, historical art, and how cultural ideas change through time.